Monday, August 5, 2013

Diversity of Life Project APBIO 2013

*Date stamps are on the bottom right of the picture*

Domain Bacteria--Yogurt Drink
Location: My house
Description: Probiotic Cultured Dairy Beverage in a small bottle, 3'' tall, 1.5 inches in diameter on the bottom, yummy :)

Phyla Bryophyta-- Moss
Location: My backyard
Description: Green, moist, grows on the soil or tree bark

Phyla Pterophyta-- Fern
Location: My backyard
Description: Green, long stems which have more stems branching from that with around 30 small leaves, new fern sprouts are small and tender, whole plant is potted, it is about 4' tall, 4' all around

Phylum Annelida-- Earthworm
Location: My backyard
Description: Long, tan/red/brown colour, segmented body, about 4'' long, slimy, shiny surface
Phylum Anthophyta- Dicot--Apple Tree
Location: My backyard
Description: Green leaves which are fuzzy on the bottom, many branches, top leaf stems grow straight up (in response to sunlight?), apples are still green :/
Phylum Anthophyta-Monocot--Easter Lily
Location: My backyard
Description: 6 soft big white petals which curve out, middle has a lot of pollen and the sticky other middle thing, many green leaves with this flower, another flower next to it, diameter of flower is 4-5 inches.
Phylum Arthropoda-- Millipede
Location: My backyard
Description: Reddish, small, 0.25 cm width, about 3 inches long, with legs, moves pretty quickly, I found it under a big rock, solitary
Phylum Chordata-- Grey Fox
Location: My backyard (the marker is the blue thing in the left side)
Description: Grey fur mostly, reddish around ears, feet, and stomach, black-tipped tail, nocturnal-sleeps a lot in late afternoon on that tree, around 3-3.5 feet in total length, super cute
Phylum Cnidaria--Sea Anemone
Location: Fitzgerald Marine Reserve tidepool
Description: Almost neon green colour, purpleish on the tips, 5'' in diameter, squished between two rocks, has the "arms" around the outer circumference, the middle is without it
Phylum Coniferophyta-- Juniper bush
Location: My backyard
Description: Hard, scale/needle- like green leaves, longer than it is tall, they don't die easily (we don't water them)
Phylum Echinodermata-- Sea Star
Location: The Ultimate Aquarium, 2625 S El Camino Real, San Mateo
Description: Red, scaley-looking, 5 points, suction things on the bottom so it sticks to glass wall, it cannot talk like in Finding Nemo
Phylum Ginkgophyta-- Gingko Biloba Tree
Location: My backyard
Description: Green leaves, bumpy edges, each leaf is about 2'' long and wide, thin

Phylum Mollusca--Banana Slug
Location: My backyard climbing a tree
Description: Slimy, dark yellow with two brown "antennas", thicker layer of skin near its "head" area, leaves a trail of slime, slow moving, almost an inch wide, 6'' long
Phylum Nematoda-- Heartworms
Location: Aragon Veterinary Clinic, 819 S B St, San Mateo, CA 94401
Description: Long, spaghetti-like, white, thin, not moving on its own, maybe 4'' long
Phylum Platyhelminthes-- Tapeworm
Location: Aragon Veterinary Clinic, 819 S B St, San Mateo, CA 94401
Description: Looks like rice grains, small white, in water but not moving on its own, a little less than a cm long
Phylum Porifera-- Sponge
Location: The Ultimate Aquarium, 2625 S El Camino Real, San Mateo
Description: Red, yellow, purple, overall sphere shape, different textures, marine, 4'' tall, 3'' wide
Protist-- Algae
Location: Fitzgerald Marine Reserve tidepool
Description: Green, slimy, wet, like wet tissue paper but thicker, slippery
Kingdom Fungi-- Lichen
Location: This is on a rock in my backyard
Description: Light green creamy white colour, rough texture, bumpy, total about 6 inches long, 3 inches tall, grows in circular shapes, whiter colour on the outer area-grows toward the outside?

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